Mysore Ashtanga Practice
Instructor Jamie Bollman M-W-F 730am-930am . Register before 730am start time but come anytime.
Service Description
Mysore style is the practice of Ashtanga yoga at your own pace with individualized guidance from the instructor which includes teaching the sequence and hands-on adjustments(please let the instructor know if you don't want adjustments). Students may arrive anytime during the class and practice for the amount of time that works for their individual practice. This is an wonderful way to explore Ashtanga yoga which is a transformational practice. Ashtanga Yoga is a vigorous yoga practice with a set series of postures and it's roots in Mysore India. The series starts with sun salutations and keeps a high level of energy throughout the practice. The practice increases endurance and flexibility. It's helpful to have had previous yoga experience.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please cancel class at least 2 hours in advance for a full refund. Thank you!
Contact Details
The Yoga Room, 4153 North Thomas Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA
+ 6123108683